BVRC Senior Women's Team
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home / BVRC Senior Women's Team
Registration is Currently Open!
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Regarding registration Fees:
The 2023 registration fee for Senior Rugby is: $488.82, which includes the Sportlomo sign up fee, and a training top, however does NOT include socks and shorts. The fee including socks and shorts is $543.55. Jerseys will be provided for each game day.
Welcome to the home of the Bow Valley Grizzlies Rugby Club Women's squad!
Our commitment to success is ongoing. We are striving to rebuild a women’s squad after some tough breaks due to covid that crippled a couple of our seasons. As newly appointed VP for the women’s my goals while holding this chair are to creating a welcoming place for players of all ages, levels of experience and athletic abilities. Rugby should be fun, amazing and feel like a family, this is what the women squad will look like while I am VP. During our summer season practices are currently being held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8 as a co-ed practice. We will also be having our own coach this year, helping us to work on our strengths and weaknesses. Off season training will be two session a week, starting in January. One will be co-ed with the mens side and the other will be only Ladies and U18’s females if they would like to join.
“A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of others”. - Norman Shidle
Join up and become part of a squad that builds each other up, into an amazing force. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Womens VP
Hope to see you on the pitch!
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